Evde Su Barışı Dünyada Su Barışı

Yusuf Ali Mohammed


Yusuf Ali MOHAMMED (Ethiopian) is a PhD Candidate at Anadolu University, Department of Public Law. In Ethiopia, he served in various administrative posts, as an assistant judge, legal advisor, chairman of the tax appellate tribunal, and member of the justice board. Furthermore, he has extensive experience in qualitative research skills, thus, published a book, book chapters & articles on several contemporary international law areas. He has also presented his work at numerous research conferences.




Legal Advisor (Dec. 10/2014 - Sep. 25/2018):

  • Legal advisor to the President, state of Harari People, Ethiopia
  • Chairman of tax appellate tribunal, state of Harari People, Ethiopia
  • Member of the justice board, state of Harari People, Ethiopia

Assistant Judge (April 7 - July 28/2014):

  • Externship program, assistant Judge at High Court, Harar, Ethiopia

Moot Court Competition (March 25 - 27/2014):

  • Competed in a National Moot Court Competition & won a runner-up Cup at Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Research Conferences:

  • Horn of Africa Strategic Studies (Istanbul, 2020)
  • 6. Uluslararası Öğrenci Bilimler Kongresi (Ankara, 2021)
  • International Conference on Environment & Society (Addis Ababa, 2022)
  • 7th Nile Basin Development Forum (Uganda, 2023)
  • 9. Uluslararası Öğrenci Sempozyumu (Istanbul, 2023)




  • Bachelor of Law (CGPA: 3.32): 2010-2014, Dire Dawa University, Ethiopia
  • Master of Art in Law (CGPA: 3.88): 2019-2021, Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Türkiye
  • PhDc in Law (CGPA: 4.00): 2021-continue, Anadolu University, Türkiye


  • Mohammed, Y.A. (2017). The Water Security Principle Under Nile Basin CFA & its Ramification (LAMBERT Publishing)

Book Chapters:

  • Mohammed, Y.A. & Acer Y. (2024). Management of Transboundary Watercourse in Euphrates-Tigris and Nile River Basins. In Melesse, A.M., Deribe, M.M. & Zeleke, E.B. (Ed.), Land and Water Degradation in Ethiopia (Springer)
  • Mohammed, Y.A. & Acer Y. (2024). Nil Nehri Havzasında Sınıraşan Suların Çatışması. In Küçükaltan, E. (Ed.), Afrika'da Krizler ve Çatışmalar (Afrika Koordinasyon ve Eğitim Merkezi)
  • Sintayehu, F., Mohammed, Y.A. & Melkamu, M. (2025). The Hydropolitics and Legal Dimension of Ethiopia’s Right to Utilize the Abbay River. In Melesse, A., Gessesse, B. & Zewdie, W. (Ed.), Abbay River Basin (Springer)

Journal Articles:

  • Mohammed, Y.A. (2023). Decolonizing and Reconstructing the Legal Discourse on the Nile River as sine qua non, Mizan Law Review. Vol. 17 (2), 231-256
  • Mohammed, Y.A. (2023). Maritime Border Dispute between Kenya and Somalia in the Indian Ocean. Mersin University Journal of Maritime Faculty. Vol. 5 (1), 1-6
  • Mohammed, Y.A. (2022). The Endless Controversies of The Nile River Basin in The Context of International Transboundary Watercourse Doctrines. Ankara Sosyal Bilimler Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi. Vol. 4 (2), 895-930
  • Mohammed, Y.A. (2022). International Criminal Court and Ethiopia: Comparative Overview and Trends of Current Development. Journal of International Relations and Political Science Studies. No. 6, 2-19
  • Mohammed, Y.A. (2020). The Guiding Legal Regime and Institutional Arrangement of Transboundary Watercourse: A Review. International Journal of Water Management and Diplomacy. Vol. 1 (4), 75-90

Newsletter Articles:

  • Mohammed, Y.A. (2024). A New Era for the Nile Basin. Daily Sabah
  • Mohammed, Y.A. (2023). Battle over the Nile: Can Egypt, Ethiopia & Sudan Reach an African Deal over the GERD? Politics Today (SETA)
  • Mohammed, Y.A. (2021). Harari People, Self-Administration and Electoral System: Clearing Wrong Perceptions. Addis Standard
  • 81,25000 (Reference Code: THZ0HZU4)

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