Water Peace at Home Water Peace in the World

Prof.Dr. Luis Antonio Bittar Venturi

Luis Antonio Bittar Venturi

Full Professor / PhD

University of São Paulo / School of Philosophy, Literature and Human Sciences / Dept. of Geography

Phone: +55 11 9 7298 7131

Master, Ph.D and Associate Professor in Physical Geography at the University of São Paulo (1993, 2001 and 2012, respectively) where teaches, searches and supervises in undergraduation and graduation level (‘Landscape and Environmental Planing’ research area), focusing on the following subjects: natural resources and environment, energy, methods and techniques of the geographical research. Coordinates a research project at the RCGI (Research Centre for Gas Innovation) with a team that includes undegraduate, master and doctoral students.

Makes referees to the Ministry of Education, some agencies of financial support of research and some national and international journals. Is author of various scientific articles and books such as “Geografia – práticas de campo, laboratório e sala de aula (Ed. Sarandi, 2011) and “Água no Oriente Médio: o fluxo da paz (Ed. Sarandi, 2015). Made pos-doctoral research in water resources (University of Damascus, Syria, 2010-2011) and was a visiting schoolar at the University of Cambridge (2013-2014). Is member of the Syrian Geographical Society, Royal Geographical Society (UK) and Hydropolitics Association (Turkey). Teaches short courses and give lectures in Brazil and foreing countries, specially in Middle East.

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