Water Peace at Home Water Peace in the World

Hamza Özgüler



He was born in Yusufeli, Artvin, in 1964. After receiving his B.Sc. Degree from Department of Meteorological Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, in 1984, he started serving for the General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works (DSI) as a hydrological expert with meteorological background. He completed his post-graduate study on hydrology in the IHE, Delft in the eductaion period of 1988-1989. In 2001, finalising his thesis study on the subject of “principle component analysis of river pollution in Maritza River”, he has received MSc degree from the Environmental Department of Hacettepe University, Ankara. Having this degree, he has awarded a special certificate entitled as “Environmental Officer”.  He has a good knowledge of UN System and international scientific programmes; good analytical and organizational skills.


Having more than 25 years of professional experience in a state organization, DSI,  his engineering specialisation area mainly includes project hydrology, water resources assessment, planning and management, environmental impact assessment as well.


Hamza Özgüler retired from DSI in June 2012. After retirement, he has been dealing with project hydrology as a senior hydrologist. He keeps the position of Steering Committee Member in Turkish National Hydrological Comission.

Presently, he is serving as a consulting engineer with  the expertise of water resources planning and designing of hydraulic structures.



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